Inclusive Housing Summit

HOPE North Carolina held our first Inclusive Housing Summit
NOVEMBER 10, 2022
Where we explored inclusive, affordable housing that meets the needs of people of all ages and abilities: especially the need to belong.
2022 Keynote Speakers
Micaela Connery, Co-founder and CEO of The Kelsey, has been dedicated to inclusive community development her entire life. Her Co-founder and cousin Kelsey, continues to inspire and inform the mission and work today. Micaela has seen firsthand the housing crisis facing adults with disabilities and their families and will speak about the importance of disability forward housing and how they have grown this movement in California.
Micaela completed her MPP at Harvard Kennedy School and MBA as a Mitchell Scholar at University College Dublin. As a research fellow at the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies, she published leading research on housing and disability.
As a social entrepreneur, Micaela is focused on inclusive community development solutions, and is a believer that all people - of all abilities, races, and incomes - should have access to welcoming housing and vibrant community.
Disability Forward Housing.
Erik Carter, Professor Emeritus of Vanderbilt University. Dr. Carter’s research and teaching focuses on evidence-based strategies for supporting access to the general curriculum and promoting valued roles in school, work, community, and congregational settings for children and adults with intellectual disability, autism, and multiple disabilities.
He has published more than 250 articles, chapters, and books in the areas of educational, transition, and community services for children and youth with disabilities.
Dr. Carter is the recipient of multiple awards. He is co-director of the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center UCEDD and invests in collaborative partnerships across the university and state. Visit his website to learn more about his current projects and research: www.erikwcarter.com.
The Ache of Your Absence: Creating Communities of Belonging for Everyone.
All meetings and events sponsored by HOPE are accessible to individuals with disabilities.
If you have a need for accommodations (interpreter, captioning, front row seat, wheelchair access, diet restriction)
Thank you to our SPONSORS!
“The two keynoters were magnificent, and I encourage everyone interested in having a “home community where everyone belongs” to set aside unhurried time to watch the videos and embrace the wisdom therein. I have attended over 1000 conferences, and never do I recall the interest and energy throughout being so palpable and electric regarding future possibilities that would enable people with IDD and all residents to belong and flourish. I honor the founders—Dotty Foley, Orah Raia, and Ginny Dropkin; the executive director—Laura Wells; and the entire Board and volunteers. As committed and hard-working as this group of talented and dedicated people are, it will take all stakeholders—General Assembly, state/local leaders of executive agencies, MCO/LMEs, providers, and general public--to ensure that HOPE’s vision becomes reality.”
- Ann Turnbull, Ph.D., HOPE Board Member
"To my mind, the Inclusive Housing Summit was a terrific success. The good energy you noted at the beginning of the day was bursting at the seams by day’s end. Thank you for your big vision and attention to small details. Thank you for your abiding dedication and for doing this hard but joyful work. My hat is off!”
- Cherie Rosemond, Ph.D.
"What a great Inclusive Housing Summit! All of it was so good - from Laura’s introduction, to the keynote speakers and the thoughtful panel discussions. The turnout was impressive and I loved seeing the mix of self-advocates and family advocates. Well done!"
-Linda Kendall Fields, M.Ed., Clinical Assistant Professor, Cares Program Coordinator